Coaching with a Passion… That Says A Lot!
One of the things that we see diminishing in the consulting world is people who are truly passionate about what they are doing. We recently spoke to one of our past clients who told us that no matter how much we agreed (or disagreed) on things that we were coaching him about, he always respected our opinion and more specifically, our passion with the way that we coached him and his personnel. He KNEW that we had HIS best interests in mind.
Many times, it is said that the goal of a Coach is to help a business person move from where they are currently to where their vision wants them to be. Often, we are brought into a company to provide specific ‘solutions’ to business problems and needs.
One of the greatest assets that a Coach can have is to recognize that everyone has a different knowledge base and then take that knowledge base and add to it so that the individual can grow to another level.
As a company who has experience and knowledge in multiple facets of the Restoration Industry and in business as a whole we respect where each business person is coming from. At the same time we work to change certain aspects of the business owner’s perceptions to move him/her into a different thought process with regards to their business.
As a business Coach, we become your partner in working with you to achieve your personal and business goals. We work with you to establish what your personal and business goals are (as many times they are intertwined for a small business owner). A good coach listens and becomes your sounding board; a support person for working through complicated decision making processes that involve longer term planning. We are here for you in the good times and even if you take the hit from some unseen circumstance.
Coaching is sometimes like baseball’s Spring Training. At that time, players report and a lot of managers are finding that some players are lacking fundamentals while others are “the stars” of the Team. At the outset of Spring training, the Managers are teaching fundamentals day in and day out. The managers are working on fundamentals with everyone during spring training. Then, they always go back to them during the season.
What we have found over the years of being involved with the restoration industry is that the rules are often changed, sometimes overnight, but the fundamentals remain mostly the same. Many times you need that aforementioned sounding board for when you are making those complicated decisions (when the rules have mysteriously changed on you). Often, the choices that you confront daily from running a restoration business seem to “trap you” in the day to day of the business. Sometimes, it is a bigger decision making process and at other times it is about going back to or using the fundamentals.
As you grow in your business and personal development, you will be pulled in multiple directions at one time. This could mean that you are “caught” working IN the business vs. ON the business. The role that we play as your Coach is to continually remind you of the differences and help to keep you pointed towards YOUR goals and to bring you back to working on the business AND yourself.
Sometimes you need someone to be your motivator. Sometimes, there will be “tough calls”. But, when you need to have a solid answer and strong actions are required, we will be your corner man. We will give you the “wake up call” when you are not hearing it yourself.
Most importantly, we know more than most that you work hard in this industry for EVERY dollar that you earn and we will work with you to advise you, coach you to the life that you know you are ready for – professionally and personally.